


Getting around

The main means of transportation is the motorcycle taxis – or simply a moto. It is a great and easy way to get around, and you certainly get to practice your talent for negotiation. Furthermore, make sure to hold on tight and that you are wearing a helmet that works and can be fastened. Another option is by local bus, which is uncomfortable, very cheap and offer great opportunities for local socializing. Finally you can take a taxi which is as expensive as elsewhere, but a scoop in the rainy season(s).

The way the town of Kigali is divided into areas, or “secteurs”, make it up for names of streets and boulevards etc., which makes it a bit challenging orienting yourself in the beginning. However, you quickly learn the important “check-points” – many of which are restaurants – and then guide the moto from there.

Living in Kigali
As for money there are fairly good opportunities to make withdraws with an international Visa card; there is a place close to the office that works most times, while the safe bet is EcoBank in the city center. The currency in Rwanda is called Rwandan Francs, RWF. A good rule of thumb is to remove two zeros from an amount in RWF to get the equivalent amount in Danish Kroner; e.g. RWF 10,000 is equivalent to DKK 100.

To give you an idea of what things cost in Rwanda:
Lunch at the café next to the office costs RWF 2,500 Francs, lunch at the local diner costs RWF 300, dinner at a restaurant with local food RWF 1,500, dinner with “Western food” RWF 3,000-7,000, a toothbrush RWF 500, Heinz ketchup RWF 3,000, a trip from Nyamirambo to the office on moto RWF 1,000, the local beer RWF 800. All in all you can live very cheaply or very expensive, depending on wishes and needs.

You need a lot of patience for the internet and power supply in Rwanda – it has its own life. If possible, you will do yourself a great favour to bring a lap top computer, with a long battery power life time. It is possible to access Wifi-hotspots most places, in case you want to Skype with the guys back home whilst chilling at one of the great cafés in the city.

Landmarks in Kigali

Vis Landmarks in Kigali på et større kort

For you to get around the countryside and visit other cities and parks ect., you go downtown to one of the bus services that goes out of town. These are called virunga, volcano among others. You buy a ticket for at specific time.

Landmarks in rest of Rwanda
Zoom out on the map above to see other landmarks in other regions of Rwanda worth knowing.